Friday, January 14, 2011


I went to the grocery store today (like I always do) and noticed that the woman in front of me handed the clerk a handful of coupons. I was intrigued A I have seen about 3 different segments on shows in the past 3 days all about a little thing called "stockpiling".

That's when I got nosey and decided to see what she was saving. Her balance (pre-coupons) was $42, after her handful of coupons were rung in...$26!

I instantly was upset at my balance for my 10 items and decided that enough was enough, if they can do it why can't I. I came home, signed myself up for all the coupon websites and will now be getting my coffee AND Sunday paper then sitting down with my scissors.

Check this video out, this is going to be my new thing!

1 comment:

  1. Get ready to be thrilled! There is something so fun (yes, fun) about clipping coupons, its like free money (besides the cost of the paper)! Malia and I used to call eachother and actually discuss the savings in the sunday paper.
    If only Trader Joes took coupons... then life would be perfect!
    Have Fun! and we need to get a coffee soon!
