Thursday, January 6, 2011

PR in Review

Sorry it took so long to post these...time flies when you're still on vacation time! :)

Here is our plane beverages, traveling partners, and final destination for the week.

We found ourselves a coffee plantation outside of Ponce. Guided all in Spanish (which I don't speak!)

Fort San Cristóbal

My room mates~views of the resort and the orchids that grew on the trees~ My Sista

Our daily activities~the woman who slept with her mouth open...all day, every day ~ sunbathing

local Puerto Rican cuisine, Mofongo, and Sangria

Daily start off with the fresh coconut as it is loaded with all natural electrolytes, then fill it with local rum & pineapple juice and you have just made yourself a fresh pina colada.
the local flair, communities, people, and Caribbean beaches

In review: I will never complain about 80 degree weather, white beaches, and an ocean. But, it is a borderline third world country and there really wasn't anything that was totally memorable about the island. There are a few (a lot) other places that will be on the list of places to go before we return. I would however suggest Puerto Rico if you were looking for a cheap place in the Caribbean that is a United States territory.


  1. Thanks for sharing Megs. Looks like you had a fun, relaxing time. PS, going to need to borrow that killer black dress/skirt. Happy you are home. Love ya!

  2. Sounds like a dream to me! I can't believe you took a picture of that woman with her mouth open...too funny!
