Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Home with the D's

Our place will always be a work in progress as I am constantly getting bored with the space. Our cozy little home is a whopping 700sq ft condo located in downtown Ballard.  I have voiced it many times, but I love where we live and as much as I would like a larger place I am perfectly content with it as it meets so many of our wants.

Living Area

Dining Area
Where ALL the magic happens...magical cooking!


  1. In the kitchen huh? *wink*

    It looks great. We'll always outgrow our spaces, just enjoy cleaning 700 sqft for awhile.

  2. Hooray. I am so happy you put pictures of your adorable humble abode up. Now when I am talking Mykel in to shelving I will have some pictures to point to - you know that boy...an opinion without a vision. :) Love you doll.

  3. But what about the bedroom!?! It really is an adorable place. I give you 2 props for not tearing eachother's heads off after sharing 700 sq ft daily! Thats love.
