Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mark it on the Calendar

Many of you may know that I have about 7 different weddings of my own that are all planned out. They all have different locations, themes, and price points. I am just waiting on one particular person to make this all happen....(poor guy!)

My ideas come and go for all of theses weddings as there are not enough folders on my computer to keep up with all the great ideas I come across. Lets face it, I know I am going to find something else that I love just as much. However, I do have "the wedding" folder saved that has my dream ring, dream dress, and now this...
A calendar sewn into the wedding dress with the date of the marriage! How cleaver!


  1. That is darling! What a sweet way to mark the date. Just think...the longer you wait, the more awesome ideas you gather. Want me to kick a certain person in the pants for you?

  2. No no, I am still scared to death to walk down the aisle! It sure make for some fun postings though! BUT, when I am ready i'll let you know!

  3. Lol, this is classic. Then when your kid (in 20 years) says, "Mom, which dress did you wear when you got married to dad the 1st time?" You can take a quick glance inside the dress and give an accurate response. Ha ha. Love it. Hope Craig is ready for the yearly weddings - I am sure ready to be an annual bridesmaid. Bring on the multi-colored bridal party. Love ya!
