Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sliver Plated Julep Candle

I am lucky that I only have to shop for a few people this year as my family and Craig's family are headed on vacation for the holidays and have agreed that we are not going to exchange gifts with each other...just stories!

I only have a few people to shop for and have been shopping for them for years. I feel like I have given them every gift idea I have had! This year I woke up to a Cyber Monday deal at Pottery Barn, free monogramming and free shipping! That's when I saw these beauties... a Julep Cup Candle Pot. I love julep cups, they are so simple.

you can find them HERE

I had their family initials engraved in them. I figure it would be something they could keep around for years to come.

Happy Shopping All!


  1. Let me know when you don't want yours anymore...since we have the same last intial ;)

  2. I love silver mint Julep cups! I have a collection of them in my kitchen.

  3. LOVE these. Hope your recipients do not read your blog. :) Xoxo. PS, I am starting a no-carb diet today so I can fit in your luggage...seriously, Puerto Rico called and said she (yes, she) would love to meet me too.
